Remembering Sarah Lipsett-Allison, Cantor, z”l

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Cantor Sarah Lipsett-Allison served as part of the Bet Shalom Congregation staff from 1997 to 2017. Cantor Lipsett-Allison started as Bet Shalom’s soloist and then in 2006, she completed the Cantorial Certification Program under the auspices of both the School of Sacred Music (Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion) and the American Conference of Cantors and became Bet Shalom’s first Cantor.

Cantor Lipsett-Allison was an active member of the Minnesota Cantors Association. She also served on the Social Action Committee of the American Conference of Cantors and on the Board of Directors of Hillel at the University of Minnesota.

Cantor Lipsett-Allison held a Master of Arts in Music from the Aaron Copland School of Music at Queens College, and a Bachelor’s of Music from the University of Utah, both in Vocal Performance. Her love of Judaism was expressed through the use of both traditional and contemporary styles, as well as her work with Bet Shalom members of all ages, including young Religious School students in Shir Tzair (Children’s Choir), Bar and Bat Mitzvah students, adult Hebrew students, the Adult Choir, and the Ruach Ensemble.

Before becoming a Cantor, Cantor Lipsett-Allison was a professional singer and voice teacher, and she performed as soprano soloist with many Twin Cities organizations, including the Minnesota Chorale and St. Paul Chamber Orchestra, the Minnesota Chamber Music Society, and the Minnesota Youth Symphony; several works were composed expressly for her. She also performed with the Minnesota Opera and had extensive professional choral experience.

Cantor Lipsett-Allison is remembered by so many whose lives she touched with her beautiful voice and caring personality. She is survived by her husband Brent Allison, and their son, Ethan.

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