There are many ways to become involved at Bet Shalom! We value and appreciate our committee members who donate their time and energy to Bet Shalom and our community.

If you are interested in joining a committee at Bet Shalom please email Amber Brumbaugh at


Standing Committees

Executive Committee

  • Work on behalf of the full board in overseeing the mission of Bet Shalom Congregation
  • Maintain working knowledge of critical issues of the synagogue
  • Work closely with Senior Rabbi and Executive Director to address issues of greatest concern
  • Act in place of the board, when urgency is required

Finance Committee

  • Oversee the development of the annual budget
  • Review month financial reports from the Treasurer and Executive Director
  • Make recommendations to the Board of Trustees on financial matters
  • Liaison with the Bet Shalom Endowment Board of Trustees

Nominating & Leadership Committee

  • Prepare an annual slate of nominees for the Board of Trustees
  • Identify emerging leaders for committee positions
  • Promote leadership development opportunities as they arise

Board Advisory Committees

Buildings & Grounds

  • Oversee improvements to the Bet Shalom building
  • Make recommendations regarding the use of land at Bet Shalom
  • Recommend funding opportunities that relate to the building and grounds

Staff Advisory Committees

Caring Committee

The Caring Committee strives to provide support to individuals and families in the congregation in times of celebration and in times of need. The committee has created a new initiative called Kugel Kindness to achieve this goal. Kugels will be made at Bet Shalom by volunteers and delivered to community members. If you are interested in helping to make kugel or want to help deliver a kugel please reach out to Renee Paulnock at

Communications Committee

  • Work closely with the Executive Director to develop and review communications strategies for the synagogue
  • Oversee the direction of Tapestry and HaEtone as the two primary communication tools of the congregation
  • Develop annual communication goals and objectives for staff to pursue

Early Childhood Committee

  • Work closely with the Executive Director, Associate Rabbi, and the BSY Director to anticipate and respond to the needs of the early childhood community

Kitchen Committee

The Kitchen Committee builds community through cooking. This group meets three times per year and aims to provide authentic Jewish food to the congregation and raise money for a repair and replacement kitchen fund. Contact for more information.

Ritual Forum

  • Work closely with the Senior Rabbi to address questions related to ritual and worship at Bet Shalom
  • Meet annually to provide feedback to changes being considered by the Senior Rabbi

Revenue Task Force

  • RTF is an ad hoc committee with the specific task of advising the finance committee on potential new sources of revenue for Bet Shalom