

Click here to join the Livestream!

Click here to join the Livestream!

Come learn with our dynamic clergy team Saturday mornings at 8:30am CT.

For the link, email Ajia at ajia.fleishman@betshalom.org.

Featured Events


Buy delicious hamantaschen for Purim and support Bet Shalom !The hamantaschen are baked in the Bet Shalom kitchen by dedicated volunteers under the direction of the Kitchen Committee. All proceeds from the sale benefit Bet Shalom.

Four flavors of hamantaschen filling are available again this year: apricot, chocolate ganache, mixed fruit and poppyseed (all are nut-free)

Sold in single flavor bags WHILE SUPPLIES LAST!

1 dozen = $18

1/2 dozen = $10

We accept cash and checks.


  1. reserve your favorite flavors EARLY by contacting: Christy Bateman @ christyabateman@gmail.com or 763-544-1728

  2. stop by our sales table in the main lobby at Bet Shalom on Sunday mornings from 10:00 - 11:30 AM beginning February 9. WHILE SUPPLIES LAST!

Israel Trip Informational Session

Wednesday, February 19th @ 7pm

In person and on Zoom

Join us to learn more about the December 2025 trip to Israel, led by Rabbi Locketz. Click the video above to hear Rabbi Locketz, Adam Cohen, and tour guide Julie Baretz discuss the trip.


repro shabbat

Gather with us during Shabbat services on Friday, February 21 when we will join congregations all over the world in the annual shabbat celebration organized by the National Council of Jewish Women to honor the Jewish value of reproductive freedom.  This is scheduled each year when we read from Parshat Mishpatim, which contains the verses commonly referenced as the foundation of Judaism’s approach to reproductive health, rights, and justice.

The D'var Torah/sermon during services that night will focus on this Jewish value. 

Community Events

JRLC: Register for 2025
Day on the Hill

 Thursday, February 27th, 2025 | 8:00am

We want to invite you to gather with us to advocate for women, children, and families living in poverty and bring JRLC’s unique voice to the Minnesota State Capitol. The morning session will be held at Central Presbyterian Church in Saint Paul, followed by a rally in the Capitol rotunda. Our keynote speaker for 2025 is Lee Stuart, retired Executive Director at CHUM in Duluth. who has been involved in faith-based service and advocacy for over 40 years. JRLC is a member organization and advocates based on consensus of the Jewish Community Relations Council of Minnesota and the Dakotas, Minnesota Catholic Conference, Islamic Center of Minnesota and Minnesota Council of Churches.


MPLS/Rehovot Partnership2Gether

The MPLS/Rehovot Partnership2Gether is offering a program which is focused on fostering connections and understanding between Israeli and American veterans. The program aims to create opportunities for empathy, community support, and education on complex issues faced by veterans. It is designed to promote solidarity and collaboration between the Jewish communities in Israel and Minneapolis, while also strengthening cultural ties. More details are provided in the application link and if, after reading, you are interested, fill out the application to begin the process.

If you have questions, please reach out directly to Eilat Harel: eharel@jewishminneapolis.org

Volunteer Opportunities

Bake Kugels to be delivered to our members:  A new round of dates have been scheduled for baking kugels. Sign up to help!

If you have any questions please reach out to Renee Paulnock at

We have many opportunities on Sunday mornings to help with setup, tech support, teacher support in classrooms and welcoming people to the building. Email 
abrumbaugh@betshalom.org if you'd like to help during Religious School hours. 

If you're interested in volunteering, please take a moment to fill out our volunteer form

If you'd like to explore other volunteer opportunities or aren't sure where to start, please feel free to reach out at 
volunteering@betshalom.org We’re happy to help you find the perfect way to get involved!

Donation Opportunities

Community business directory

If you’d like to grow your business while supporting Bet Shalom, advertise on our website.

We’ve launched a Community Business Directory on the Bet Shalom website, connecting members who are business owners and /or service providers with the congregation.

Tax Donation

If you are age 70-1/2 or older and have an IRA, you can donate from your IRA to Bet Shalom or to the Bet Shalom Endowment. This is called a “Qualified Charitable Distribution” or “QCD” and is a tax-free transfer from your IRA to a qualified charity such as Bet Shalom or the Bet Shalom Endowment. A QCD is not an itemized deduction, so it does not affect your itemized deductions or potential use of the standard deduction. 

Please consult with your financial or tax advisor to see if a QCD makes sense for you. Many people with IRAs find that it is a tax efficient way to donate to charity. The company that administers your IRA can give you information on how to make a QCD from your IRA.