Photos: Chanukah Celebrations
Congratulations to Jennifer Jackson, winner of our first photo contest! Thank you to everyone who submitted your photos – we loved all of these fun and heartwarming images of your families and friends celebrating Chanukah.
-Jennifer Jackson
Last Spin: Who Will Win?
-Ethan Roberts
Adom Room as a Live Menorah
-Katie Gitler
Heather’s first Chanukah! Matching Jammies.
-Rachel Appel
Three Generations of Cohens on the 7th Night of Hanukkah
-Janet Cohen
Christensen Family Chanukah
-Shelly Christensen
Chanukah with Grandma Faye and Great-Grandma Esther
-DeeDee Long
This is our dog Samara. She is a precious rescue, and loves the candles. She doesn’t understand why she can’t have some of Lauren’s chocolate gelt!
-Dar Kofsky
Jan Seidman, Marc Sokol, Jeff and Jodi Upin enjoy Chanukah together. Note the ‘upscale’ latkes- pastrami, stone ground mustard and pickle on some and lox on some others and even a few sweet potato latkes – something for everyone!
-Mark Sokol
Our COVID Menorah – made from the rapid COVID tests from each family member in attendance.
-Diana Cutts
Aunt Celia’s Latkes
-Sue Elfenbein
Thanksgivika at the Cohens - the first in 2 years!
-Earl Cohen
It’s lit! 🔥🔥🔥
-Suzy Lurie
Last candle with Jeff, Aaron and Elliot Upin, Lianna Goldstein, Kellie Hoverson, and Noy Zarchi.
-Jodi Upin
Ben Adelman in bunny ears (leftover favorite headgear from Halloween) & Gabe Adelman in blue. 2020 Hanukkah. They humored their momma (Amanda Adelman) & knelt so I could get them & candles in picture for their Bubbie in Florida. This year will be 1st Hanukkah in our family history without Ben as he is in studying in Israel for 18 weeks. Even though they are both bigger than their momma now they still love to get our their menorahs, clean out the old wax, trim the candles & get them set up in the front window for the neighbors to see as they walk their dogs or go to the bus. As the only Jews in our area we are proud to showcase our menorah for all to see & enjoy. It won’t be the same with Benny 6,000 miles away this year but he’ll be starting his own Hanukkah traditions as he edges closer to adulthood.
-Amanda Adelman