Introducing Tapestry
By Eric Bressler
What does ‘Promoting Relationships’ mean? Helping us learn about our people and connect to others in our community!
With over 700 member families, Bet Shalom is a rich and diverse Jewish congregation. But as a member, how do you get a feel for the array of activities and experiences of others in this community? And how do you figure out how to participate? You can’t be involved in everything!
TAPESTRY is going to help us by promoting relationships at Bet Shalom. To start relationships with people, we have to know a bit about them first, then connect with them if we want to. So TAPESTRY will feature some people in each issue, highlight parts of their lives and tell their stories. We’ll also connect people by profiling small groups and programs and letting readers know how to get involved. And we’ll keep it light with lots of photos and creative content by members.
Describing people and their lives enriches our community by weaving colorful threads into the tapestry of our congregational life. Our goal is to help our members recognize and feel that we are part of a sacred community defined by participation at Bet Shalom.
I’m thrilled to be editing this new online magazine with the help of Executive Director Steve Barberio and Operations Manager, Rachel Calvert. It will be a work in progress as we improve its format and source its content. If you want to help us in any way, please contact us at