BeSTY 2024-5: Teen Fun and Social Connections
By Emily (Rosenberg) Dejewski, Bet Shalom Youth Advisor
Nathan Fine (left) and Miles Laskin
For years Bet Shalom’s Temple Youth Group (BeSTY) has connected Bet Shalom teens through event programming, service projects and social bonding. This year, Miles Laskin and Nathan Fine, current co-Presidents of BeSTY, want to continue to show the congregation what BeSTY is all about. The BeSTY executive committee decided that conducting interviews with our new members and our presidents would give a fun glimpse into what BeSTY means to us. They hope to inspire others to join our inclusive and supportive community every Wednesday night from 6:45-7:45!
Introducing three of our new members: Jackson Mayeron, Tal Havilio and Gabby Ladmer. Jackson is new to BeSTY and started coming to Wednesday nights and events at the beginning of this year. Tal joined BeSTY in the middle of last year after an amazing trip to the Religious Action Center’s L’Taken retreat in Washington, D.C. with Bet Shalom’s High School Chug (a Chugim opportunity with Rabbi Thal for high schoolers to do on Wednesday nights during religious school where they talk about Judaism and current events). Gabby is our executive committee’s 9th grade representative. Gabby is new to BeSTY this year but has been eagerly waiting to join BeSTY since she was in 7th Grade.
Why did you join BeSTY?
Jackson: I moved to the synagogue where my cousin works [Ali King - Director of the Religious School] and I wanted to meet more Jewish teens and create Jewish connections.
Tal: I went to the Washington, D.C. trip and enjoyed making new friends with the teens on that trip. I decided to join BeSTY to continue these friendships with these people and make new friends.
Gabby: I joined BeSTY because I had Emily Dejewski, our wonderful advisor, as a teacher, and she convinced me to join BeSTY to form new connections with Jewish teens at the synagogue.
What connections are you happy to have made with BeSTY?
Jackson: I’ve made new Jewish friends that I have enjoyed getting to know because I haven’t had many Jewish connections before joining this synagogue.
Tal: I have enjoyed connecting with Jewish teens who are my age and becoming good friends with them.
Gabby: I have made more friends and gotten to know more people that I wouldn’t have talked to without BeSTY.
Now to the co-Presidents, Miles and Nathan. Both Miles and Nathan have been part of the Bet Shalom community for years. Miles started in the preschool, and Nathan joined six years ago as a 5th grader. Both have become strong leaders at Bet Shalom, with smiling faces, a good sense of humor, and an excitement for their Judaism. Let’s hear from Miles and Nathan about how they are making their own path as BeSTY co-Presidents.
How do you want to shape youth programming and youth engagement at Bet Shalom?
Nathan: I want everyone to have fun and have a place where they feel like they can have a friend or someone to talk to that will really be there for them.
Miles: I like to make sure everyone feels included and has a say. As long as that happens, then I am happy with the programming.
BeSTY Food Drive
Miles and Nathan note that we make meaningful and supportive connections to our Jewish community through BeSTY’s service projects. At Yom Kippur we were very thankful and excited to see the support that Bet Shalom Congregation gave the Yom Kippur Food Drive. We wanted to continue this positive impact at our Teen Program. So this year for a service project we have partnered with Jewish Family and Children's Services (JFCS) to make tie blankets for their Hag Sameach program to give to Jewish adults who have disabilities. This service project is very meaningful to BeSTY as it is a way for us to be engaged in the community in a supportive way. Together, the teens of Bet Shalom Congregation have made 50 blankets for JFCS to distribute as Chanukah gifts!
How would you describe BeSTY to someone who doesn’t know what BeSTY is?
Nathan: I would tell them that BeSTY is a big group of teens who are focused on having fun. Since I joined BeSTY it has been one of my favorite things, and I have enjoyed it so much.
Miles: I would tell them that it is a fun group of people who have a fun time together and share fun experiences.
Check out these photos from a joint event with Temple Israel’s youth group TIPTY at The Foundry Laser Tag:
BeSTY Team
Laser Tag Event