Yarok ירוק (Pre-K)

Hello Yarok families!

This week we focused on national parks and how we can spend time enjoying nature. On Monday we read a story about Theodore Roosevelt and John Muir about how national parks came to be. We also designed our own national park sign to show off what kinds of animals and plants would be protected in our own park. Tuesday we learned all about Yellowstone National Park, more specifically Old Faithful. We went over how many times it goes off during a day, why the geyser spews out water and how the water is heated up! We even made our own geysers!

On Wednesday we decorated our own binoculars that we used later this week. We had some fun being able to use tempera paints and design them however we liked! Thursday we focused on trees, specifically redwoods, how tall they can grow and where they grow in the US. We even looked at some tree slices to find out how old the trees were before they were cut down. We ended our week by going on a hike around the school grounds and spent time recording our observations of wild animals and plants that we saw on our hike, remembering that we only take pictures and leave only footprints. 

We can’t wait to see what the next week brings!

Veronica and Langley