Sagol סגול (Preschool)

Ahoy Sagol families!

This week we set sail into a pirate adventure. Our submarine from last week transformed into a pirate ship, complete with a pirate sail and telescope. Preschoolers started off the week by making pirate hats out of paper and glue, and were excited to wear them through the rest of the week’s activities.

We took our pirate adventure outside with a treasure hunt! Our students hunted for clues, and ended the search with a treasure they could take home.

Our pirate adventure brought us lots of fun science opportunities. We made pirate ships out of paper and sponges and set sail on the playground, and then we played “sink or float” in a bin of water in our classroom, which helped us learn how things float.

Our pirates love their letters and numbers, so we “walked the plank” to find numbers 1-6. Our pirates became experts on shapes as we played a treasure sorting game.

Finally, our students discovered homemade kinetic sand, made from baking soda and conditioner.

Two of our pirates had birthday’s this week! We wish a very happy birthday to Kellan and Alex. We loved celebrating with you even more than we love treasure!

We had so much fun with pirate week, and we’re looking forward to seeing you all Monday!

-Becca, Nofar and Sarah