Tzahov צהוב (Infants)

First off, we'd like to thank you all for the generous gift card, kind notes, and yummy treats honoring us as your children’s teachers. We felt the love and we appreciate your thoughtfulness.

"Spring is here, spring is here. Goodbye snow, flowers grow. Birds and bees, leaves on trees, birds and bees, leaves on trees, hello spring, hello spring!" This song, sung to the tune of “Are You Sleeping”, is the theme song to this month's learning. All month, we are introducing the babes to signs of spring; flowers, butterflies, frogs, ducks, birds, and spring like weather.

This week, there were flowers all around. Bottles were filled with fabric flowers to see and baskets were filled with fabric flowers to dump, fill, and feel. The older babies had so much fun throwing the flowers in the air and watching them fall. A new photo wall was created where the babies can see themselves and point out their classmates. The display is so bright and colorful, we love the new decor!

The babies created beautiful flowers made with colorful tissue paper which are displayed on our window. The sun shines through and the colors illuminate mimicking stain glass art.

A few weeks ago, the babies helped scoop dirt and plant flower seeds. Unfortunately, despite our green thumbs, the flowers didn't grow. We were hoping to have sprouts for Mother's Day. Plan B was born and we hope you enjoy the special card the babies helped make for all of you wonderful mothers.

On Thursday, we celebrated Yom Ha’atzmaut, Israel's Independence Day. The babies and teachers wore blue and white to honor Israel's national colors. Blue toys were set on the shelves and we read books about Israel. Happy 74th birthday to Israel.

Next week, we plan to introduce the babies to bugs, butterflies, ducks, and frogs. We hope you have a wonderful weekend.

Heidi, Sarah, and Holden