Tzahov צהוב (Infants)

Happy End of April Tzahov Families!

First off, we would like to welcome the newest member, Clark, to The Tzahov Family. It brings us such joy having the opportunity to care for siblings of Tzahov graduates. We're excited to be a part of his first years of growth and development. Welcome Clark!

This week we wrapped up our theme of taking care of the earth and each other, emphasizing helping one another. During circle time the teachers demonstrated different people helping each other using multicultural dolls. We think its important to take care of one another through acts of kindness. To get a start on helping others, the kids made tzedakah boxes. These boxes can be used to collect money to help teach that even from a young age, we can all care for one another.

Multicultural hands were placed above the mirror and the teachers were seen giving them high fives. The babies would model this behavior as well, while smiling at their reflection in the mirror. Even a smile can brighten someone's day.

Stay tuned for next week as we switch gears to a new theme of Spring. Hopefully the weather will cooperate and we can take more walks outside.

Stay safe and healthy.


Sarah, Heidi and Holden