Kahol כחול (Younger Toddler)

Shabbat Shalom Kahol Families! 

Welcome back! This week we celebrated the start of the new school year. We took this week to get to know our friends, classroom and teachers!  Many of our friends are returning from summer session, but we are welcoming in a new friend named Summit.  He has already made lots of friends and is enjoying his new classroom!

Over the week we did a variety of back to school art projects. We colored crayons, painted school buses and made hand stamped apples!  The kids loved getting messy, although they surprised us by opting for paint brushes instead of finger painting for our school bus activity!

We also enjoyed a lot of singing, playing outside in the beautiful weather and playing a lot of kid’s dance music.  The current classroom favorites  are “The party freeze dance” by the Kiboomers and “Shake your sillies out” by the Learning Station. 

Overall we had a great start and we are sure this is going to be a wonderful school year! 


Teacher Jen and Teacher Tira 

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