Adom אדום (Older Toddlers)

This week we dove deeper into our pond theme from last week to explore the depths of lakes and cabin life!

We started the week by using paper plates to make fish displays to swim on our walls, learning about parts of a fish like fins, gills, and scales. After our school of fish was complete, we celebrated rainbow day with “The Rainbow Fish”, and learned how sharing is an important part of making friends. The whole class colored their own rainbow fish with rainbow colored markers, and then we made them into scales for our rainbow fish wall display with velcro shiny scales to share with our friends!

As we move toward the long weekend, cabins and vacations are on several of the toddlers minds, and we learned all about campfires and s'mores! We got to use gluesticks to stack logs and used red, yellow, and orange paint to make our own campfires! The next day we got to make "s'mores" with them, using cardboard and other props to show the ingredients and how to make one!

Our friends loved to smush the cotton ball marshmallows between their "graham crackers." And to wrap up the week we got to learn about life jackets by using sponges on toys in water bins to keep them afloat! We talked about boat safety and how important life jackets are, so if you're taking your todds out on the lake, they should know to always wear a life jacket! We hope all our friends at BSY have a fantastic Fourth of July weekend, and get a chance to relax and enjoy the nice weather!