Yarok ירוק (Pre-K)


Welcome to our new families, the Gad, Brumbaugh, and Brodini families! Also, welcome back to our seasoned pre-k families. :) We are excited that you are all with us for the summer at Bet Shalom, and we are thrilled to begin our 2022 summer program. Ms. Langley and I have some very exciting themes planned! We will continue learning about social skills, routines, and self care, but play will be our focus. We hope to spend more time outside with nature integrated themes, and celebrate all that summer can offer.

Our classroom will run in a similar fashion to our school year routine, with a morning meeting, snack and lunch times, explore times (free choice play), gross motor times, daily theme activity, and center time. This week we have been learning (or reviewing) procedures and expectations. We learned how to best use drawing tools, how to clean up, what steps we need to follow in the bathroom, and best practices in the calming corner.

We will begin our Show and Tell Fridays on 6/10 and continue them until the end of summer. During this time we will practice good listening skills, and public speaking. Your student can bring in one item that they would like to show, a picture of something they would like to explain, or just share a story! Email me if you have any questions.


Ms. Veronica and Ms. Langley