Tzahov צהוב (Infants)

Happy Friday Tzahov Families,

What a beautiful week it has been. We've been able to enjoy a little bit of time outside, basking in the sun.

While outside we have been exploring all the different colors we see in nature. From blue water, to the shades of brown we see all around, to the varying shades of green, yellow, orange and red that we see in the trees and flowers. There is always something to observe. While on a nature walk the teachers collected various items to catalog on our nature color wheel, representing all the colors we found outside. We used the color wheel as a point of conversation during circle time. The babies enjoyed the texture of the items as well as the completed color wheel.

With the weather cooperating this week, we spent some more time outside enjoying water play. Individual buckets were filled with warm water and blue dye was added, along with scoops and blue toys. The kids loved splashing and scooping the water. What a fun refreshing activity to do on a nice day.

And finally, we want to wish Mila a happy 1st birthday! We can't believe how much you have grown already! We hope ypu enjoyed a happy day celebrating with family.

We hope everyone has a safe and relaxing weekend. See you next week. We will be introducing warm colors, in addition to learning about Rosh Hashannah, the Jewish New Year.


Sarah, Heidi and Holden

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