Tzahov צהוב (Infants)

Ocean animals was the theme of this week's fun. Toys that reflected the theme were available all week for discovery and discussion.  The babies played with stuffed octopus and fish,  small, squishy ocean creatures,  and linking fish.  

We sang many ocean themed songs like Baby Shark, Baby Beluga, A Sailor Went to Sea, and Animals in the Ocean, sung to the tune of Wheels on the Bus. See the photos for the lyrics. The babies' favorite musical instrument is the maraca! They love shaking it and carrying it around the room. Thank goodness we have so many!

We read many ocean theme books this week,  too. Goodnight Ocean was a favorite,  as well as a pull the tab book called Under the Waves. Reading books always gives us an opportunity to name the week's vocabulary.  

Art this week was painting paper bags with white paint which the teachers turned into jelly fish. The babies' works of art hung in front of the kitchen for teachers and babies to admire while snacking and lent us again another opportunity for conversation about ocean animals.  

Water play was outside on Friday where the babies splashed and played with plastic fish.  Our babes love water play!!

Next week,  we shift our focus to animals in the home. We will have stuffed animals to snuggle,  homemade large blocks with familiar pet pictures,  and circle time discussions on gentle touch with our pets. 

Take care, 

Heidi,  Sarah,  and Holden