Tzahov צהוב (Infants)

Shabbat Shalom, Tzahov Families.

Can you hear the lions roaring at the zoo?! Animals we see at the zoo was the focus this week. Hippos, rhinoceros, tigers, girraffes and elephants, amongst others in miniature size were available for exploration and were the topic of conversation in the classroom.

A play size zoo was out as well as a Little People animal train for the babies to play with the mini animals.

The Put Me In The Zoo book was the inspiration for art this week. The babies used markers to dot dot spots on the character, practicing their fine motor skills.

During different circle time sessions zoo animal songs were sung adding to our collection of animal repertoire. In addition, animal puppets were a source of delight for the babies to see. Their faces lit up as we sang and made the different animal noises.

Next week, the focus will turn to animals we see in the ocean. We have a messy art project planned. The final week in July we will talk about our pets. Remember to bring in any pet photos or send a digital picture through the app your family may have. The babies always love seeing photos of their family.

Be safe.


Sarah, Heidi and Holden