Tzahov צהוב (Infants)

Happy Independence Day Tzahov Families!

This week was all about going on a picnic. We spent the week playing with all sorts of play food, baskets, picnic blankets, and did a fun foot stamping project.

Three baskets were out all week; one with fruits, one with vegetables and one filled with pizza, cookies and baguettes. The baskets and play food were the central focal point of play time. The different colors, textures and sizes of the food created an interest and great discussion about each item. The babes loved filling and dumping all the different baskets. The kitchen was also available for the kids to "prepare" for our picnic. Along with the baskets, an iconic picnic blanket was made for the kids to sit on and explore.

Art this week was a foot stamping project that was turned into a picnic placemat. They are so cute! We hope you can enjoy them at home.

Friday, we celebrated America's Independence by emphasizing the colors red, white and blue. Red, white and blue toys were placed on the shelves to play with. Fireworks are a big part of 4th of July celebration so the babes created their own rendition of fireworks by using paint with a homemade stamp.

Next month starts a new theme of Amazing Animals. Each week we will shift focus to what animals we see in different environments like the farm, the zoo, in the ocean and in our home. Planning ahead for the last week we will be asking families to bring in photos of pets you have at home to spark great discussion.

We want to wish Sarah N a very happy birthday! Sarah we hope you had a restful and enjoying birthday.

Have a wonderful 4th and we will see everyone on Tuesday!


Heidi, Sarah and Holden