Katom כתום (Infants)

Happy Friday Katom familes!

As we leave the wild jungle behind we are heading in to SUMMER!

This months theme is summer activities! Can’t wait for some summer fun, starting with a new playpen outside our classroom. Now we can enjoy some time in the sun playing outside together.

This week we enjoyed a walk outside, a lot of bubble time and some new books and songs.
We loved reading the “that’s not my…” a touch and feel series exploring animals!

We are Learning about our bodies through the song “head shoulders knees and toes” and love making up new rhymes for the song “down by the bay”. ( have you ever seen Miss Noa eating granola down by the bay) haha!

We are so Impressed with the kids! every day we see new skills ,milestones and words! It’s such a pleasure being part of it!

Happy 4th of July weekend to all!

Noa, Jenna & Yetta.