Tzahov צהוב (Infants)

Happy Sports Week in Tzahov! We had a lot of fun playing with various balls and singing about different sports. A mini basketball hoop was brought into the class and an obstacle course was created for a change in our every day set up.

Basketballs, soccer balls, bumpy and spiky balls; balls of all sizes and textures were available all week to play with.  Vocabulary we focused on was throw,  kick, roll, and score!! Friday was an infamous ball party where the teachers and babies toss ball pit balls all around. We had a ton of fun!

Many sports songs were sung, all to the tune of Frere Jacques. See the photos for the lyrics. There are actions for all the songs and with repetition, the babies typically will mimic these actions.  We plan to continue singing these songs throughout the month.  We definitely can see sport skills developing strongly.  

Thursday was "dress in your favorite sports team day." The teachers made special penants for each babe and pictures were taken.  The room was set up with tunnels, a hoola hoop, and foam shapes to crawl over and around. A fun day was had by all!!

A special Father's Day project was created and painted by the babes.  We hope all the dads have a wonderful day celebrating!

Wednesday was Teacher Heidi's birthday. It was a quiet day at school. Happy Birthday Heidi!

Next week we shift our focus to another fun summer activity,  camping. We will have a flashlight party,  sensory bins,  art, and we'll be going on a bear hunt! 

We hope you all stay cool this weekend!!

Heidi, Sarah, and Holden