Kahol כחול (Younger Toddler)

Shalom Kahol families! 

This week we continued our theme of camping and the great outdoors! 

Our first project of the week was to make bird feeders with paper towel rolls, pinecones, crisco and birdseed. The kids had a blast spooning the seeds onto the rolls and pinecones and making a mess! The kids often will love the simplest task or activity and you can always tell when an activity is a hit by the chorus of little voices shouting "my turn!" 

Later in the week we took the kids out with cardboard tube “binoculars” decorated with stickers and coloring pages, to look for birds while we hung up our bird feeders. While we didn't see many birds except ducks on the pond, we did see two different turtles crossing our path. Teacher Tira helped them cross the road safely. The Kahol littles were very interested in our small reptile friends but were understandably cautious about the encounter. 

We have also been working on a super special gift for Father’s Day! The Kahol teachers rolled out salt dough and the kids pressed their tiny hands into the mixture leaving behind adorable handprints. After asking the dads of the class their favorite color we painted our creations using plastic bags for extra fun with less mess. The kiddos made sure to add extra love and care into their work. 

This week has been a hot one, so we have tried our best to enjoy playing outside as much as possible and that included water play! The kids love filling and dumping different types of cups/containers in the water table and playing with the water stream from the hose. We hope that the weather stays nice enough for us to continue to enjoy it! 

This week's book highlight was D.W. All Wet by Marc Brown

Next week we start our first week of our recycling focus. We will use recyclable items in our crafts and play and maybe even use up the scrap materials the Kahol teachers have been keeping for a rainy day! The Kahol students will learn about the importance of reuse, reduce, recycle! Please bring in clean and empty food containers such as soup cans, cereal boxes, cardboard tubes and plastic containers. 

Thank you!

Tira and Jen