Tzahov צהוב (Infants)

What a wonderful week we've had in Tzahov.  We focused this week on the sights and sounds of spring. On our walks outside,  we looked at the blue skies and the white clouds,  we saw turtles, geese, birds,  and squirrels. We listened to the birds and to the older children playing on the playground.  We all enjoyed time outside!

For an art experience,  the babies used dot dot markers to decorate a spring bird. The teachers helped our youngest babes navigate this all time favorite art medium. 

Songs this week included weather songs like “Mr. Sun”, “Rain, Rain Go Away”, and “Itsy, Bitsy Spider”. We've continued reading books about spring and have continued to use vocabulary highlighting the sights and sounds of spring. 

It's bittersweet that we need to say l'hitraot (see you later) to Moshe and his family. Moshe will be moving up to the young toddlers. We loved watching him develop into the smiley, independent,  silly babe he has become but we know he will have so much fun reuniting with his buddies in Kahol. We'll miss you Mosh!

There will not be a blog for next week however, we will continue to post pictures of our activities on the app.

We hope you have a wonderful weekend and holiday week.  

Warmly, Heidi,  Sarah,  and Holden