Katom כתום (Infants)

Happy Thursday Katom families!

This week we were soaring high in the sky and learning all about birds. With the weather being warmer, we were able to go outside to see birds in action. Some were flying, some were resting in trees and bushes, and some were swimming in the pond in front of Bet Shalom. Our teachers also let us hold a pinecone we found! It was interesting to feel its rough texture. We remember from last week that seeds like pinecones are what help new trees grow.

In circle time, we read Birds by Jill McDonald and It’s Spring by Samantha Berger. We learned about birds all around the world like ostriches, peacocks, and toucans. Birds are amazing creatures! We also read about Spring and animals we can see in nature. Next week, we will be exploring more about baby animals. During arts and crafts, we made a little blue bird for our Spring wall! Using our stamp pad, we colored our hands and placed them on the paper to make wings.

Because it is Passover, we read a special book called Where is the Afikomen? by Judye Groner. We had fun following the story and learning more about the Haggadah, and Seder.

We enjoyed lots of time together this week. We played with toys, went on walks, and sang with Cantor at music. The music toys were some of our favorites; shaking rattles and tambourines was so much fun! In the Big Room, Cantor sang a song about the people in our families. She reminded us about the importance of family and spending time with our loved ones, especially during special times like Passover.

We hope you enjoy the long weekend and final days of Passover with your family.


Miah and Noa