Kahol כחול (Younger Toddler)

Shalom Kahol Families!

This week we talked about Winnie the Pooh and Bears! We started out the week by painting bee hives using bubble wrap, the kids loved the texture of the bubble wrap and the “honeycomb” design the wrap made on their paper.

We had a fun bee toss with Pom Pom bumble bees and a card board bee hive that Teacher Tira made. The kids loved putting putting all the bees onto the box and then dumping them out again and again. We also sang one of the kids favorite songs “baby bumble bee”

At this weeks circle times we talked about 3 different kinds of bears. Between the brown bear, polar bear and panda bear the panda was a fan favorite! We also went on a few bear hunts! It was “beary” fun.

In addition to all our fun themed activities we also found lots of time to splash around outside with water play. The kids really enjoy splashing around in the water table!

This week we got a new friend Oliver G! Our friends in Kahol have done a great job welcoming him into our classroom family.

Next week we will be talking about the Beach!