Adom אדום (Older Toddlers) (Copy)

Hello Adom Families!

This week, as summer begins to wind down, we got to learn all about beaches, sand, swimsuits, and marine life!

Many of our friends have been to the beach this summer, or even out on a boat at the lake, and they love to talk about it! I heard everyone's stories about their recent swimming adventures!

As we focused on beach play, our friends got to play in some sand sensory bins full of seashells and sea glass. They all loved finding their favorite color sea glass, and kept asking me what kind of shells they had after digging some up. Soon after we got to make our own beach scenes on sand colored paper by gluing down crabs, turtles, seashells, and more! Then they painted blue water on top to make a beautiful beach scene. 

As we went through the week, we used our own swim suits for water play, so we got to make some for our paper Elmo in our classroom. Everyone got to choose the color of their trunks and color it however they liked. Elmo was so grateful that our friends helped him get ready to go swimming at the beach! We also got a chance to try building some sand castles in a big sensory sand bin, and again later with kinetic sand, which worked a bit better.

We wrapped up the week by making seashell imprints in play doh! All of our friends took turns showing me their cool "ridges" in their play doh. We continued to reinforce the kind of shells and the creatures that live in them before we dig them up on the beach.

Next week we're going to learn all about baby animals and what they're called! See you all then!!