Adom אדום (Older Toddlers)

As we leap into our Summer, we learned all about frogs!

Focusing on a frogs life cycle, we started the week by borrowing Sagol classroom's live tadpole! Our friends were eager to check it out, and they got to use magnifying glasses to take a closer look!

The kids love to hop like frogs and sing “5 Green and Speckled Frogs”!

Next we made frog puppets using paper bags, googly eyes and red popsicle sticks! They were all gladly putting the eyes where they wanted, and were so happy to put them on after the glue dried.

After a rainy night, we all went on a walk around the pond and listened for frog noises. We also stopped by the gaga pit for some fun in the sun! They loved being able to play with animal toys in the grass!

Later on, they got to work on a frog life cycle coloring booklet, and learned what each part of the cycle is called.

They also got to do color sorting with our plastic jumping frogs, and jumped them around on the table. Some of our friends couldn't get enough of Eric jumping some of the frogs.

To wrap up the week, they busted out the watercolors to create lily pads with tissue paper lilies!

We are so looking forward to our summer, and Katie has a bear-y special secret planned for next week!

Eric & Katie