New Member Profile: Debra and Mitchell Swaden

BASICS: What are your names and any nicknames?

Debra and Mitchell Swaden

YOU: Tell us about you and your family.

We first joined Bet Shalom in 1996 upon returning to the Twin Cities from living in Kansas City. Our children, Hannah and Eli, received their Jewish educations at Bet Shalom, and both went on to teach Religious School at Bet Shalom for several years. Now they and their families are members, too!

When we retired we moved to our cabin in Northern Wisconsin and were there for 9 years.

Health issues and our beautiful grandchildren have recently brought us back to the Twin Cities.

BELONG: What does belonging to a synagogue mean to you?

Belonging to a synagogue means being a part of a community within the Jewish community. It’s a place to be known and to make oneself known—a place to give and receive.

HERE: Why did you choose Bet Shalom? 

We all agreed that Bet Shalom is the synagogue where we feel most comfortable. As Rabbi Cohen once said, “At Bet Shalom, we don’t care how much you paid for your shoes.” Coming back to Bet Shalom feels like coming home.

Molly Bryant