Rabbi Locketz Invites You to Scholar-in-Residence Weekend With Rabbi Norman Cohen

I am excited to invite you to come and learn with our teacher and Bet Shalom Founding Rabbi Emeritus, Rabbi Norman Cohen as he serves as our scholar in residence during the weekend of November 8-10. Rabbi Cohen is one of the great students of Judaism, having never stopped studying and researching even during the busiest moments when he was Bet Shalom’s Senior Rabbi. He is a gifted teacher, and orator, and our weekend dedicated to learning with him is going to be both enlightening and fun.

On Friday night, November 8th, we will gather at 5:30pm for our weekly kabbalat Panim (reception and nosh) followed by our 6pm Kabbalat Shabbat service during which Rabbi Cohen will give a D’var Torah on the topic of, “Judaism & Christianity: Two Different Paths to the Same God.” After services all are invited to stay for an evening of kehilah kedosha – sacred community with friends and good food as well as Talmud Torah as we continue learning with Rabbi Cohen. During dessert there will be an interactive study of “The Stereotypes & Misconceptions Christians and Jews Have About Each Other.” If you’d like to attend dinner, be sure to register by clicking here. Join us for the dessert and study portion of the program without registering at about 7:45pm. Free child-care and dinner for children is available throughout the evening.  

Our learning continues on Shabbat Morning during our 10am Shabbat morning service, when Rabbi Cohen will answer the question, “What Are Nice Jewish Boys Like Abraham and Moses Doing in a Book Like the New Testament?” After services, we will enjoy a Shabbat brunch with a text study on “A Jewish Approach to the New Testament.” 

Our youngest members will have the chance to learn with Rabbi Cohen on Sunday, November 10th at 9am during our Religious School Assembly.

When Rabbi Cohen became Bet Shalom’s Emeritus Rabbi, he authored the book, “Sacred Architecture: The Building of Bet Shalom,” and has gifted a signed copy to every member of Bet Shalom. There will be opportunities at the end of each program throughout the weekend to have a copy signed if you have not received yours yet. Having your copy signed is also a great opportunity to catch up and connect with Rabbi Cohen and you are invited to sign up for a brief appointment with him on Sunday morning by clicking here.

Let me also take this opportunity to wish Mazal Tov to Rabbi Cohen who recently was awarded the Hoc Signo Award from his alma mater, the College of the Holy Cross. Our Scholar in Residence weekend with Rabbi Cohen promises to be a meaningful opportunity for learning and community and I hope you’ll join us.

I look forward to seeing you soon,

Rabbi David Locketz

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