Tzahov צהוב (Infants)

Happy almost new year Tzahov families,

This week as a part of our color themed month, we focused on the warm colors of yellow, orange, and red. Toys of these colors were on the shelves for exploration all week. The babies enjoyed throwing balls, stacking duplo blocks, and pretending to eat watermelon, carrots, and apples. Red, orange, and yellow velcro dots were placed on the carpet for a sensory experience of pulling them off. A giant ball was brought in to the room for bouncing and pushing around. Oh, what fun!!

Apples were also highlighted as a symbol of Rosh Hashanah. The babies each had a chance to apple stamp with a teacher's help. Special New Year cards were created for you as well as for the professional staff at Bet Shalom. Some of the babies went on a walk to help deliver the cards.

During circle time, other Rosh Hashanah symbols were presented to the group while singing songs and reading books about this High Holy Day. The babies took turns touching a real shofar and enjoyed the plastic and wood ones, as well. Round challahs and apples were also part of our introduction to Rosh Hashanah.

Next week, we will highlight the colors, black and white. We hope for our families who are celebrating the new year, may you have a meaningful day on Monday. We will see everyone back on Tuesday.

With blessings for good health,

Heidi, Sarah, and Holden

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