Tzahov צהוב (Infants)

Shabbat Shalom Tzahov Families,

Summer has flown by just as fast as these babies are growing. We can't believe that the new school year is just around the corner. For this week's blog we would like to recap some memorable moments of the summer.

We've had new friends join and friends move on and babies celebrating first birthdays. Babies have learned to crawl, pull up, cruise and walk. Some have also learned new words. Snack time has become a highlight of the day, with all of our kiddos experiencing new foods. With an increase of food, bottles have changed significantly as well. Many sensory activities were enjoyed including wateray on the playground, art both outside as well as indoors, some more messy than others. The babes also had an opportunity to explore new toys in the classroom, such as the ABC chair, pet blocks and beach balls.

This week has been so much fun seeing everyone dress up for Spirit Week. We don't know about you, but coming to school in jammies is oh so comfy. We love the way everyone's tie dye turned out. So colorful!

Taking care of your children is such a joy for us each and everyday. Thank you for choosing us to help teach, guide and love your children. We absolutely love what we do; the babies fill our buckets daily.

We hope you enjoy the week off of school and we look forward to seeing all of you on Tuesday, September 6th.


Sarah, Heidi and Holden