Tzahov צהוב (Infants)

Happy Friday Tzahov Families,

This week we wrapped up our animal month by focusing on animal pets. We had our own resident foster dog, who greeted the kids as they entered the classroom. It was so much fun to see their interactions with the big dalmatian. We also had another larger dog, a rubber blow up pet. The babes enjoyed poking his squishy nose and grabbing his ears and tail. Not that we encourage poking or pulling on a dog, but this toy, as well as the big dalmatian gave us a good opportunity to talk about gentle touch.

Thank you so much for sending in your family pet photos. Boxes were covered with the photos for the babes to explore. The babes always enjoy seeing familiar faces at school.

Stuffed animals were scattered throughout the classroom for the babies to snuggle. This allowed for the teachers to label different body parts on the animals.

Songs and books were a big part of this weeks' theme. This weeks' favorite books include, "Go Dog. Go!", "That's Not My Kitten" and "Doggies" by our favorite, Sandra Boynton.

We can't believe summer is already 2/3rds over. Next week kicks off a new month and a new theme of ABC and 123.

We hope you have a great weekend.

Stay healthy and safe.

Sarah, Heidi and Holden