Tzahov צהוב (Infants)

One of our favorite summer activities is going to the beach.  We've had a fun week in Tzahov exposing the babies to "beachy" things.  There were beach balls galore, beach towels on the floor,  and sand castle molds to explore and the vocabulary we highlighted this week focused on this fun activity. 

The babies helped create a beach scene stamping their hands to look like crabs.  

They also decorated a beach scene using dot dot markers.  Both of these art activities are displayed in the classroom to aid in the exposure of new beach vocabulary. 

Many books were read about the beach and new songs were sung. The babies sure do love story and music time!! See the photos for the lyrics to continue singing at home.  

Water play is always a fun sensory activity to do.  This time,  we took the babies outside to splash to their heart's content.  It has been a beautiful week weather- wise. We even found some time to take a walk. 

Next week,  we will shift our focus to another favorite summer activity,  sports.  We hope you all have a healthy weekend and look forward to seeing all of our friends next week.  


Heidi,  Sarah, and Holden